Article by Cathy Enerson
Eyota accomplished another goal set in its comprehensive plan when it recentlyjoined the Rochester Area Builders. In the past, getting information to developers and builders was costly and time consuming. That is not the case today. The EDA worked directly with the board of the Rochester Area Builders and their new director, John Eishen. Rochester Area Builder’s board saw value in providing information about Eyota’s housing incentives to its members and now Eyota is now a contributory member of their organization. Their website links the City of Eyota’s housing incentive webpage to the Rochester Area Builders homepage.
The City of Eyota strongly encourages the building of new homes and new commercial construction, and aides that by eliminating many of the building permit fees. The 2012 new home incentive saves the builder/homeowner $2,250.00. In addition to encouraging building, Eyota enjoys a beautiful park and trail system.
The EDA was asked to help with an infrastructure project that would finalize the city park department’s trail plan. The EDA is assisting by writing a grant to fund the implementation of the plan. This past fall, the city was successful and was awarded a $355,000 MnDOT “Safe Routes to School” grant to make safety improvements for school children by making trail and infrastructure enhancements. Construction will begin in 2013.
Crossing the railroad tracks and connecting into the regional trail system is the final link in one of the city’s trails. A grant was submitted in March that if successful, would complete this link along highway 42. The EDA works in close collaboration with the park department, city engineers and city clerk to successfully submit grants like these.