On behalf of CEDA’s board of directors, management staff, and entire team, we would like to extend sincere congratulations to Donna Mack on her retirement. Donna dedicated five years to serving various communities through her role with CEDA. We wish Donna the very best in her retirement, and thank her for her service and dedication!
News + Announcements
CEDA Administers Jackson County Business Relief Grant Program
Article by: Chris Giesen
CEDA supported Jackson County by administering the Jackson County Business Relief Grant Program. Jackson County received $250,000 of funding to implement a business relief grant program through state legislation in response to Executive Order 20-99 and the pandemic. Businesses that met the following criteria were eligible to receive grant funds:
- Were required to temporarily close or reduce services in November of 2020 under Executive Order 20-99
- Are located in Jackson County
- Have no current tax liens on record with the Secretary of State
The grant was open between January 5th and January 15. Applicants approved for funding were awarded grant funds in February. CEDA team members Chris Giesen, Ron Zeigler, Thomas Nelson, Dan Handberg, and Maddy Schwartz administered and promoted the program.
Because of the challenges connecting with owners of closed businesses over the phone and email, CEDA also engaged local business owners by visiting their storefronts and meeting with them in person. Handberg and Nelson worked directly with business owners in Jackson County to make them aware of the program and encourage them to apply. This program would not have reached as many applicants without this support.
The program approved 20 applications for funding. Grant awards to these businesses ranged from $2,209 to $13,963. This program positively impacted businesses as applicants were in industries directly impacted by the November shutdown.
Many local recipients shared their appreciation for these funds with Jackson County and CEDA staff describing how these funds will make a big difference as they continue to work toward recovery. “The pandemic has made it challenging to pay our bills and employees, and we don’t want to close permanently. We are so grateful for these funds because they will allow us to continue to operate in Jackson County and let us make the community a nice place to live. ” remarked one of the business owners
Hayfield EDA Allocates $10,000 Of SMIF Funding To 11 Local Businesses
Article by: Rebecca Charles
In September of 2020, the Hayfield EDA was awarded a $10,000 grant from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) for the purpose of providing micro-grants of $1,000 or less to help offset the additional costs incurred due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Healthy Hayfield Supply Reimbursement Program was developed to provide resources necessary to make doing business in the midst of the pandemic safe for all residents and business owners. CEDA Team Member and Hayfield EDA Coordinator, Rebecca Charles authored the grant to provide funding to the program. This grant funding made it possible to provide grant dollars for 11 local businesses!
Awarded businesses were able to receive reimbursement for personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, signage and other supplies required to safely conduct business in the midst of a global/national/state/local pandemic. Grants were available to all businesses located within the 55940 zip code. “Being able to maintain small businesses is getting more and more difficult as the digital world continues to expand” says Charles, “yet it is the hard work and perseverance of these same businesses that keep communities thriving. We owe them our loyalty and support through the pandemic for all that they do for residents, and to make our communities unique”.
Harvest Entrepreneur Network (HEN) Seeking Final Applicants
Article by: Courtney Bergey Swanson
Since launching the HEN program in late 2019, the need for local foods business support has increased drastically due to COVID-19’s impact on the food systems. “Many small farmers saw unprecedented interest in their local food products at the onset of the pandemic, which led to new growth challenges such as starting e-commerce platforms, finding quality processing facilities, and more,” said CEDA’s HEN coordinator Courtney Bergey Swanson.
Throughout the past year, CEDA’s team members have successfully coached over 35 farmers, assisting these small businesses with pivoting their business model to respond to the pandemic, developing new marketing strategies, and creating direct relationships to consumers. Several free educational programs were held virtually, which are available on our website.
There are only three spots left in the HEN program, so if you know of a farmer or ag-based business that could use some free assistance, please direct them to the online application or reach out to Courtney Bergey Swanson at courtney.bergey@cedausa.com
City of Harmony Awarded Grants Totaling $379,000
Article by: Chris Giesen
The City of Harmony was recently notified it was awarded a Minnesota DEED Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI) grant of $285,000 and two USDA Rural Development Community Facilities program grants totaling $94,000.
The BDPI grant of $285,000 will extend city water and sewer to a newly annexed parcel where a Dairyland Power Cooperative outpost is planned to be constructed this summer. This project will expand the Harmony Industrial Park and is the second time in two years that the city has annexed property to facilitate growth.
One USDA grant for $50,000 will help purchase a new fire truck and the second grant of $44,000 will help with the purchase of an all terrain/off road rescue vehicle and rescue equipment to outfit the new vehicles. CEDA Vice President Chris Giesen, who works with Harmony, wrote the grants. Giesen also worked with all of the stakeholders to move the projects forward successfully.