CEDA Regional Development Tour Returns to Showcase Cresco, IA, Harmony, MN and Preston, MN

Community Economic Development Associates
Article by: Mary Kennedy and Chris Giesen
CEDA representatives Chris Giesen and Abby Wright together successfully authored a $672,096 Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI) grant for the City of Kenyon, MN. The grant dollars will be used to develop a new business park by assisting with water, sewer, electric utilities, and street construction costs. Giesen expressed his enthusiasm for the BDPI program stating, “This is a great program for communities looking to build or grow their industrial parks if they are out of space or to assist with infrastructure when a manufacturer expands. The application is very user-friendly for qualifying projects. It was great to work with the City of Kenyon and we are excited to see their project move forward.”
The BDPI program is made available through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and applications are accepted on a rolling basis, depending on the availability of program funding remaining. The program requires a 50% match for BDPI-eligible capital costs and is specifically designed for use by cities in Greater Minnesota to stimulate new economic development, create new jobs, and the retention of existing jobs through public infrastructure investments.
Article by: Joya Stetson
The City of LeRoy, MN has recently been working with CEDA team members to expand their marketing efforts for the community.
CEDA team member Joya Stetson worked with colleague Sherry Hines, who serves the City of LeRoy, to create a comprehensive report on potential marketing projects/ideas that would broadly and creatively communicate the many assets in the City.
Stetson’s report noted an observed focus on recreation, a proactive school district, City-wide fiber, proximity to major cities and a supportive business community; the report concentrated on leveraging those strengths.
Stetson provided a number of detailed ideas that incorporated social media, participation in regional industry groups, communication with media outlets, testimonials, coworking space, recreation, collaboration with local businesses and more.
The report, which was intended to inspire staff and board members, sparked the creation of an EDA Marketing Committee who met with Stetson and Hines to go over each thought and begin a priority plan for implementation.
Only two (2) months after the Marketing Committee meeting, LeRoy has already begun working on five (5) of the suggested projects:
The projects above have been completed through the hard work and dedication of EDA boardmembers and City Clerk, Patty White, along with the assistance of CEDA team member Sherry Hines.
“The City of LeRoy has such an incredible energy” said Stetson. “The Committee members and staff have moved these projects and others forward with remarkable vigor; it’s impossible not to be inspired when you’re surrounded by such an innovative and ambitious group!”
The forward-thinking Marketing Committee has plans to complete more items from the report in the coming year. For example, the Committee is looking into creating a City-scented soy candle from their local shop, A Gift to Gab.
Article by: Mary Kennedy and Donna Mack
Two parks in the City of Goodview will benefit with a grant from the Minnesota Twins Fields for Kids program. CEDA Team member Donna Mack authored and was awarded a matching grant from the MN Twins Community Fund. The $9,600 will benefit both the Memorial Park and the Goodview City Park with covers over the dugouts. Last Fall, while reviewing the community parks, Donna Mack noticed the dugouts did not have covers on them. After discussion with City Administrator Dan Matejka, the decision was made for Donna Mack to write a grant application to request funding from the MN Twins for financial support. The grant was awarded, and will cover 50% of the project cost for the four dugouts. The covers will be aluminum framing with colored canvas. Mesh shade material will be on three sides, with lettering on each dugout cover that reads GOODVIEW. When installed, the ball players in Goodview will enjoy the protection from the hot summer sun, wind, rain and foul balls.
“On behalf of the City of Goodview, we thank the MN Twins Fields for Kids program for improving our ball fields. The safety of our children impacts every person in our community. Reducing injury and future health issues make the dugout covers an effective preventative measure for local children, and visiting teams from surrounding cities and counties”, said Mack.