Article by: Mary Kennedy
This summer, the Blue Earth Economic Development Authority is up to something new! The new program, Business Spotlight, was inspired by CEDA representative Mary Kennedy’s suggestion to the board to add a business appreciation item to the regular meeting agenda. Kennedy took note of other CEDA communities’ successes in highlighting their local businesses and providing a platform to thank various business owners for their support and participation in the community.
Kennedy explained the various ways this program could potentially be developed and shared as an example, the Stewartville EDA Business Appreciation Program. The Blue Earth EDA agreed to the idea and developed its own version of the appreciation program, which invites a new business to the board meeting each month. The businesses’ brief “Spotlight” moment provides an opportunity for the business to share any concerns or suggestions they may have for the local business climate. This also gives the board a time to learn about the challenges and excitements the business may currently be facing, ask questions, and importantly, thank the business owner for their involvement in the local economy.
Blue Earth Drug was the EDA’s first Business Spotlight! Pictured below are Gina Zierke, RPh, Co-owner of Blue Earth Drug and Bill Rosenau, EDA President.