Agricultural Resources
Doing big things in small communities.
Greater Minnesota comprises the majority of CEDA’s service territory.
As a 501(c)(3) organization specializing in small business assistance and economic development in rural communities, CEDA has identified the need to retain agribusinesses and support entrepreneur farmers and value-added producers. In recognition that agribusinesses drive local-to-global economies, CEDA strives to connect farmers with their regional assets.
Harvest Entrepreneur Network
HEN Toolkit: This document is a basic guide for starting or expanding your rural business. It includes information on what you should consider as you get started, how to obtain financing, marketing strategies, common human resource issues, sample business plans, and more!
To learn more about HEN, please e-mail HEN@cedausa.com or call 507-867-3164. This program is made possible in part by funding from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Grants for Farmers Resources
Information on grant resources for Minnesota farmers.
Houston County Farming Initiative
The Houston County Economic Development Authority is collaborating with the University of Minnesota Extension and with Workforce Development Inc. to help local farmers looking to try something new on or off their farms.
For more information, visit houstoncountymn.com/agriculture or contact Houston County EDA Director and CEDA Small Cities Development Program Specialist, Allison Wagner, at eda@co.houston.mn.us or (507) 458-2492.
Publicly Owned Farmable Land Inventory
The Publicly Owned Farmable Land Inventory is a tool meant to be a freely accessible database of land owned by governmental entities within the State of Minnesota that emerging farmers can inquire about. We strongly encourage emerging farmers work with resource partners, many of whom are identified in the Resources Inventory, when inquiring and starting a farm.
We will be continually updating the Land and Resource Inventories, but some information may be outdated or inaccurate. In this event, please contact Ron Zeigler at Ron.Zeigler@cedausa.com with a brief description of the suggested correction.
If you would like to recommend the addition of land, please send a completed Farmable Publicly Owned Vacant Land Form to Ron Zeigler at Ron.Zeigler@cedausa.com.
For emerging farmers seeking to negotiate a land purchase or lease, we have provided a Publicly Owned Land Negotiation Check List. While the list is not exhaustive, it may serve as a general guide to common topics to consider when seeking to negotiate terms on land owned by governmental entities. We recommend this be paired with working alongside a resource partner.
The Publicly Owned Farmable Land Inventory has been made possible by Compeer Financial and AgriBank.
Pre-recorded Webinars
Growing Stronger Together:
Farming in Tough Times
June 2020
With low commodity prices, high debt loads, and challenging weather in recent years, farmers are experiencing a high amount of stress.
In this session, Emily will review the nature of farm stress, discuss how to identify stress, provide strategies for communicating with stressed individuals, and review available resources.
This session is for anyone who has ever thought, “I should say something, but I wouldn’t know what to say.”
Growing Stronger Together:
Direct Marketing for Farmers
June 2020
Direct Marketing for Farmers with Lisa Klein, of Hidden Stream Farm and Dover Processing, Sara George of D & S Gardens and Market Manager for Red Wing Farmers’ Market and Wabasha Farmers’ Market, and Rachelle Meyer of Wholesome Family Farms.
This featured several farmers who have successfully marketed their products directly to consumers, as well as other channels such as restaurants, groceries/co-ops, and other wholesalers. Panelists will share what has worked and what hasn’t, and how their marketing strategies have changed over time.
Growing Stronger Together:
Grant Money for Farmers
July 2020
Grant Money for Farmers: How to Maximize Funding to Grow Your Business with Kristine Jepson, farm business owner, grant proposal writer, and SBDC consultant.
Learn about grant programs available to farms and how to identify products and projects within your business that may be eligible for funding. We’ll also cover common application requirements, deadlines, and best practices.
Growing Stronger Together:
Farmers Get Creative During Pandemic
July 2020
Farmers Get Creative During Pandemic with Megan Roberts of the University of MN Extension and Ryan Brixius of the US Department of Agriculture
Join us for a conversation about the current state of agriculture during a global health crisis, learn about resources to offset any negative impact, and dream about creative solutions for the future.
Turn Your Hobby Into a Business