Community Support Program
Doing big things in small communities.
An affordable way to have professional development staff coordinate an Economic Development Program that rivals those in larger communities.
When a community or organization signs a contract with CEDA they receive the very best service not only from their assigned consultant but the entire CEDA agency. Most contracts are established with a 30-day out clause — if CEDA does not meet or exceed expectations or produce results, then we are no longer retained.
In-House Economic Development Staff
Under the Community Support Program, CEDA places a staff member in your community on a “scalable” basis to act as the Economic Development Coordinator.
CEDA staff are now working in some communities one day every other week to as much as five days per week in others — the amount of time depends on your community’s needs and capacities.
In this role, CEDA staff will facilitate business, housing and community development, conduct Business Retention & Expansion Surveys, offer on-site business counseling, provide project coordination, and more depending on your community’s needs. Our staff members report to and take direction from your community’s local EDA Board. We do what it takes to get the job completed.
Project-Based Assistance
CEDA can help cities, counties, or other organizations with specific, one-time initiatives, such as an economic or community project’s development or coordination, grant writing, community or business surveys, and more.
CEDA staff time is traditionally provided through a contract with your local unit of government.